Land Now Available in South Dakota!

The following parcels are now available for purchase.
Parcel #52 is 80 +/- acres and sells for $34,500.00.
Parcels #6, #7 & #8 are 60 +/- acres and sell for $24,500.00.
Parcels #14, #24, #29, #36, #53 and #54 are 40+/- acres and sell for $19,995.00.
No credit checks are done and financing is guaranteed to all buyers.
All these parcels have been surveyed and have recorded access easements with Butte County.
This land is raw unimproved rangeland with no improvements or services. The property is zoned for general agricultural purposes including associated rural residences. Water rights belong to the owners of the land.
South Dakota law provides access to properties along section lines. Additionally, access easements to every parcel were officially recorded in Butte County. An actual physical road might not exist at this time, although an owner has the right to blade a road to their property at their expense.
Our organization has been in business for over 35 years and we are one of the largest wholesale sellers of large tracts of land in the United States.
Any questions, please call me Arlene at 916-687-8118.
Below is the topo map that shows where these parcels are located.
Click to enlarge

This is a sample of the beautiful property
